I want to convert one XML type value to String type value and for that I am using toString() method to achieve that but problem is that on converting from XML to String I am getting some "\n"(Break statement) in that string variable.
But I don't know why that is coming, I am currently using the following codes for conversion:
My XML is:
var text:XML = new XML(<HTML>
<P ALIGN="left">
<FONT SIZE="32">
Some Text Here
Following code I am using for converting XML to String:
var textString:String = (text.normalize()).toString();
But if I am checking the variable textSring then I am getting the following result:
<HTML>\n <BODY>\n <P ALIGN="left">\n <FONT>\n <FONT SIZE="32">Some Text Here</FONT>\n </FONT>\n </P>\n </BODY>\n</HTML>
But I don't know why "\n" is coming after converting to String.
If anybody can find where I am doing wrong so that I am getting the result like this and how to resolve this problem please help me to solve.
this solves the problem
var textString:String = (text.normalize()).toString().split("\n").join("");