I have a method
def readTree(id: String): Future[Option[CategoryTreeResponse]]
and a list of String channels:List[String]
How to iterate and combine all the results into a non Future Sequence ? such as :
def readAllTrees(): Seq[CategoryTreeResponse] = ???
Possibly without blocking.
Coming form the imperative world, I'd do like this :
import scala.concurrent.duration._
def readTrees(): Seq[CategoryTreeResponse] = {
val list = ListBuffer[CategoryTreeResponse]()
for (id <- channels) {
val tree = Await.result(readTree(id), 5.seconds)
if (tree.isDefined) {
list += tree.get
You could do something like this
def readAllTrees(channels: List[String]): Future[Seq[CategoryTreeResponse]] = {
I have changed the signature of readAllTrees to receive the list and return a Future of the Sequence.
If you want to access to the resulting sequence you will need to wait until is finished doing
Await.result(readAllTrees(channels), Duration.Inf)
But this is not a very nice way to manage futures because it will lock the thread that calls Await.ready