So I have 2 projects, and I need to merge them.
And in the one that I need to delete I have the following key, which works with GoogleSignInOptions:
Now, in my new project. I don't know how to create this.
It says that it is a Service account client, but the:
Create Credentials -> Create Oauth Client ID -> only gives me this options:
Web application Android Chrome App iOS PlayStation 4 Other
I tried, now there is a button: Create Credentials -> Service Account Key -> but this returns a different object, and still doesn't work. I tried it, but only with the App Engine Default Service Account.
But I am pretty certain I did not do it this way, when implementing the first time. Then I did something that made me download a google-services.json, and then it also gave me the Server Client ID. I haven't worked with this in a while, so I'm lost. Am I doing something wrong?
This is my code:
String serverID = getString(R.string.server_client_id);
Log.i("","handleSignInResult serverid: " + serverID);
gso = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)