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Ruby Shoes execute another ruby program

I've got a small shoes (3.3.3) program and a small ruby console program with selenium (3.4.4). If I open the selenium console program directly everything works fine, but if I want to open it via "exec("")" through shoes, it breaks and closes.

I thought the error is the webdriver, so I've written a simple console program with some easy "puts" output and shoes displays the console and the output.

The thing is... the selenium program worked yesterday and I can't find the problem, why it doesn't now.

The simplified shoes code looks like this: 200, height: 200, resizable: false){
    button("GO", width: 200) do
        exec('ruby data/test.rb')

Here comes the simple selenium-webdriver code named "test.rb":

require 'selenium-webdriver'

Selenium::WebDriver::PhantomJS.driver_path = 
browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :phantomjs
wait = => 15) 

wetterElement = browser.find_element(:id, "wrap-forecast-feed")
@wetterData = wetterElement.text.gsub(/\n/, ',').split(",")
puts @wetterData[1]


Shoes gives me the following error message for a few msecs before it breaks: enter image description here

So I looked it up, and found this code snippet:

  def assert_file(path)
    return if File.file? path
    raise Error::WebDriverError, "not a file: #{path.inspect}"

  def assert_executable(path)

    return if File.executable? path
    raise Error::WebDriverError, "not executable: #{path.inspect}"

I really have no idea... Thank you in advance.


  • Got it ... The folder with the shoes app was UTF-8 formatted. Simply changed the name and it worked.