I have an ActionBlock
that simply processes messages that comes from an infinite loop continuously. Inside ActionBlock
I make an http post. When on any network related error, the method throws exception and the block is faulted/stopped. This is not the behavior that I want. I want processing runs even though exception occurs. (Keep hitting Process
method) To simulate my program;
private static ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions processBlockOptions
return new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1
static async Start()
processQueue = new
async (item) =>
await Process(item);
while (!Stopped)
//Read from DB and do logic with item
QueueMessage item= new QueueMessage();
await processQueue.SendAsync(item);
private async static Task<int> Process(QueueMessage item)
await item.HttpPost(order);
catch (Exception ex)
//Http endpoint might be broken
throw ex;
You're re-throwing your exceptions, and you're doing it wrong:
throw ex;
If you need to log the errors or stop the pipeline for a while, you don't need to throw anything, simply log ex.ToString()
and react accordingly. Second thing is that you should use throw;
instead of throw ex;
, as you're rewriting the stack trace for exception, which doesn't really matter in this case but can be misleading in case of more complicated workflow.