I inherited a database application that has a table with about 450 queries. There's a calling procedures takes the @QueryId
and @TheId
as input parameters. The only way these queries are executed is via this procedure. The queries are like this:
@sql = replace('insert into #temp select col1, col2, col3, col4
from SomeTable st join OtherTable ot on matching_column
where st.TheID = ##TheId##', '##TheId##', @TheId);
exec sp_executesql @sql;
I want to get plan reuse, so I replace ##TheId##
with @TheId
and then execute the query like this:
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@TheId int', @TheId;
However, I'm still seeing the same behavior where each plan is a unique plan, even though the @sql
string is already compiled and in the procedure cache.
Now the string is like this
...where where st.TheID = @TheId
Question: how can I get plan reuse as desired on a parameterized query?
Well if you modify it to the following you should get plan reuse as this will make it a parameterized query:
@sql = replace('insert into #temp select col1, col2, col3, col4
from SomeTable st join OtherTable ot on matching_column
where st.TheID = ##TheId##', '##TheId##', '@TheId');
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@TheID INT', @TheID;