I˙m ṫrying to remove Add new button for /stageserver/list route.
I have tried with this code:
public function getBatchActions()
$actions = parent::getBatchActions();
$actions['remove'] = 'create';
I have tried this next code, but it removes that route in all other admin sections.
public function configureRoutes(RouteCollection $collection)
I can˙t find for specific route removal in Sonata docs, or perhaps I have missed it.
With Sonata, your Admin is related to a single entity.
Example, I have an entity named AppBundle\Entity\StageServer
I create an Admin service to manage this entity :
class: AppBundle\Admin\StageServerAdmin
public: true
arguments: [~, AppBundle\Entity\StageServer, ~]
- { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm }
And a dedicated class for this service :
namespace AppBundle\Admin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Route\RouteCollection;
class StageServerAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
protected function configureRoutes(RouteCollection $collection)
This should be enough to remove the ability to create AppBundle\Entity\StageServer
Solution using configureActionButtons
method to remove create
button only when onto the list
namespace AppBundle\Admin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Route\RouteCollection;
class StageServerAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
public function configureActionButtons($action, $object = null)
$buttons = parent::configureActionButtons($action, $object);
if (in_array($action, array('list'))) {
return $buttons;