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Spring RestTemplate - Read different object type based on http status code?

I have client and server applications, both written in spring using Java. I am using RestTemplate to call server from client.

Server returns different response object, depending on result of operation.
Simplified code:

public ResponseEntity<?> saveSomething (Object something) {
    boolean saved = save(something); //save logic
        return new ResponseEntity<OKObject>(okObject,HttpStatus.OK);
        return new ResponseEntity<ErrorObject>(errorObject,HttpStatus.FAILED); 

I want to be able to read those responses on client by status code,
but RestTemplate offers only to read one type, e.g. <Object_type>.class; and offers status code AFTER the .getForEntity(...) operation was executed - when response type is already returned.
What I want in pseudo code on client side:

public void saveSomething(Object toSave) {
     ResTemplate template = new RestTemplate();
     ResponseEntity<Object> response = template.getForEntity(url,Object.class);
     if(response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.OK) {
         OKObject ok = (OKObject) response.getBody();
         //some work with ok object
     if(response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.FAILED) {
         ErrorObject errorObject = (ErrorObject) response.getBody();
         //some work with errorObject

Is this possible in some non-hacky, clean way ? I read about setting response type as String.class and parse it afterwards, or reading Object.class (returns LinkedHashMap) and parse it.
Thanks for any tips.


  • I would suggest to introduce a common response which includes both ok and error (one of them is null)

    publi class CommonResponseObject {
        private OKObject okObject;
        private ErrorObject errorObject;
        public CommonResponseObject(OKObject okObject) {
        public CommonResponseObject(ErrorObject errorObject) {

    and use it

    public ResponseEntity<CommonResponseObject > saveSomething (Object something) {
        boolean saved = save(something); //save logic
            return new ResponseEntity<>(new CommonResponseObject(okObject),HttpStatus.OK);
            return new ResponseEntity<>(new CommonResponseObject(errorObject),HttpStatus.FAILED); 

    and process the results

    public void saveSomething(Object toSave) {
         ResTemplate template = new RestTemplate();
         ResponseEntity<CommonResponseObject> response = template.getForEntity(url,CommonResponseObject.class);
         if(response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.OK) {
             OKObject ok = response.getBody().getOkObject();
         if(response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.FAILED) {
             ErrorObject errorObject = response.getBody().getErrorObject();