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vb.netpdfopenfiledialog i can't choose pdf files

in, i create a simple method where i choose and see a (pdf and image files) , i used fileopendialog this is my code

Private Sub btn_parcour_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_parcour.Click
    fichier.Filter = "PDF Files |* .pdf "
    If fichier.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
        fichier_txt.Text = fichier.FileName
    End If
End Sub

but when i open file dialog for To choose the file , i can't do it because , the message is you don't have a file

this is a screen

enter image description here


  • There are too many spaces in the filter. It will throw off the pattern matching.

    'Remove all the extra spaces
    fichier.Filter = "PDF Files|*.pdf"

    For example if doing pdf and all other files

    'Note no stray spaces where they are not needed
    fichier.Filter = "PDF Files|*.pdf|All files(*.*)|*.*"