So I have this structure of application: a Game
model which has many Allies
and many Enemies
I want to create a custom action for Game
dedicated to create and submit enemies and allies.
So in the view I will have 2 fields_for that you can submit at the same time.
I have never created custom routes and actions or submitted 2 children forms in the same page.
Anyone know how I could do this ? Thanks
#this route shows the form
get 'create-players/:id', to 'game#new_players', as: :new_players
# this route recieves the form post submission
post 'create-players/:id', to 'game#create_players', as: :create_players
def new_players
@game = Game.find(params[:id])
def create_players
#do whatever you want with the params passed from the form like
@allies = Ally.create(game_id: params[:id], name: params[:ally_fields][:name])
@enemies = Enemy.create(game_id: params[:id], name: params[:enemy_fields][:name])
@game = Game.find(params[:id])
<%= form_tag(create_players_paths,, method: 'POST') do %>
<% #...fields you have on models, perhaps %>
<% fields_for :ally_fields do |f|
<%= f.text_field :name, nil, placeholder: "Ally name", required: true
<% end % >
<% fields_for :enemy_fields do |f|
<%= f.text_field :name, nil, placeholder: "Enemy name", required: true
<% end % >
<%= submit_tag "create players", class: "submit" %>
<% end %>
<h1> Woah an allie and an enemy have been added to game <%= %></h1>
<p> Lets see some blood!</p>
Of course, you should enforce verifications on the input and before processing the post submission. Usually you'll want to use established relationships between objects, so that you can do on the view @model =
then, form_for @object
and have validations and error messages accessible in a much cleaner way.