The official recommendation is not to add Anaconda / Python to the Windows PATH
environment variable (see Anaconda User Guide FAQ). But how can I ensure then that my custom build scripts find python? (e.g. my sphinx
Current Anaconda installations offer an "Anaconda Prompt" that has conda
on the path. Go to the Windows start button (Window icon) and start typing anaconda
. You should see an entry "Anaconda Prompt". Click on it. A new window opens that has conda
in the search path. Use as many Anaconda prompts as needed.
Old Answer
A good way is to work with conda
Add the path where the conda.exe
to the PATH
set PATH=C:\my\path\to\conda;%PATH%
Create a new environment:
conda create -n py36 python=3.6
Activate it:
activate py36
Now the prompt should change to py36
and all should work since all needed paths are set. You need to install all your packages you need for your project while this environment is activated. When done deactivate it with deactivate