So within my project, I am basically trying to make a randomly generated maze with random entrances and exits. I have three classes (a Maze class, a GameScene class, and a Grid Class) within so far I have successfully been able to code a randomly generated maze.
However my problem is that the Maze class (which is where the random generation code takes place) purely contains the data for the maze, but no current connection to the graphics. So when I run my app, a blank screen shows up.
What I am trying (but am unsure how) to do is basically place a line (aka a black color sprite shaped in a line) in the location where the maze wall is.
So, the way my maze works is that it is a grid (array) in which each array cell's "walls" (up, down, left, or right) are defined as either true or false. If the cell wall is false, then there is no maze wall there; but if it is true, then there is a maze wall there. The state of each wall being randomly generated is what creates the maze.
I was able to connect the code to the color sprite named "mazeWall" within the GameScene class (using this code:)
var mazeWall: SKNode!
mazeWall = self.childNode(withName: "mazeWall")
Also, I was able to access the Maze class's data within GameScene class using this code to create an object of the Maze class type:
var maze = Maze()
However I am now unsure how to call the color sprite to the position of the true walls on the grid.
This is the code I attempted to have within the GameScene Class to access Maze class' data and to loop through the maze's cells and check which walls are true:
class GameScene: SKScene {
var mazeWall: SKNode!
var maze = Maze()
var backgroundColorCustom = UIColor(red: 255, green: 244, blue: 231,
alpha: 4.0)
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
/* Set reference to obstacle layer node */
mazeWall = self.childNode(withName: "mazeWall")
//going through each cell and checking if it is true in order to place a wall
for x in 0..<self.maze.gridSize{
for y in 0..<self.maze.gridSize{
if (self.maze.down[x,y]) == true {
if (self.maze.up[x,y]) == true {
if (self.maze.left[x,y]) == true{
if (self.maze.right[x,y]) == true {
}//end of y forloop
}//end of x for loop
}//end of func didMove
}//end of GameScene class
Please let me know how I can call the mazeWall color sprite to the position of the "true" maze walls within the maze. Also let me know if you need me to include more of my code (my maze class, the grid class, maze generation, etc)...
Thanks in advance!
What you should do is use SKTexture
to cache the same wall you will be using for all the SKSpriteNode
So you load your wall asset into a let wallTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: <NameOfYourWall>)
then in each one of your 4 if, you create a SKSpriteNode(texture: wallTexture)
Now comes the math where you have to set the position of each one of those SKSpriteNode.
Let's say you want a maze that fits the screen, so you need to get the maximum size of a tile doing this pseudo code:
let maxWidth = SCREEN_SIZE / maze.gridSize
let maxHeight = SCREEN_SIZE / maze.gridSize
let tileSize = max(maxWidth, maxHeight)
And you can finally place the walls in your logic. Don't forget that by default the anchorPoint of a SKSpriteKit is its center and that the geometry is like this:
^ y
if self.maze.down[x,y] == true {
let wall = SKSpriteNode(texture: wallTexture)
let centerTile = CGPoint(x: (x * tileSize + tileSize/2), y: (y * tileSize + tileSize/2))
let xPos = centerTile.x - wall.width /2
let yPos = centerTile.y - tileSize / 2 + wall.height
wall.position = CGPoint(x: xPos, y: yPos)
You will probably have to rotate the wall for the let and right size (unless your original texture is already vertically) or you just have to create another asset with a vertical version and load this new asset into another texture.
Just tweak around the math and you'll get it done.