I installed libc++ from source using following script. The make uninstall
is not supported. What would be the best way to uninstall it?
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm.git llvm-source
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/llvm-mirror/libcxx.git llvm-source/projects/libcxx
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/llvm-mirror/libcxxabi.git llvm-source/projects/libcxxabi
export C_COMPILER=clang
export COMPILER=clang++
# Build and install libc++
mkdir llvm-build && cd llvm-build
make cxx
sudo make install-cxxabi install-cxx
Well, after lot of searching, it is clear that there is no automatic or even semi-automatic way to uninstall when make unintsall
is not implemented. There are two ways to get around this:
If using cmake then run the install again but set the flag like -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./output
. This will cause cmake to put all files in ./output. Now you can observe the files, and manually delete them. I think by default cmake would put these files at /usr/local
Another cool trick you can use if install_manifest.txt file is generated: cat install_manifest.txt | xargs echo sudo rm | sh