Normal query manner:
Session sess=factory.getCurrentSession();
String hql="from Entity en where en......";
Query q=sess.createQuery(hql).setCacheble(true);
List<Entity> list=q.list();
In this case,the object in the list are "entity"s. They will be cached.
However I wonder if cache would work if the hql is like this:
hql="select new Result(count(xx),sum(xxx)) from Entity en ....";
class Result{
long num;
long sum;
//constructor,getter and setter
Now,the type of the objects in the result list will be Result.
List<Result> list=q.list();
My question is if the Result Object can be saved at the second-level cache?
Also how about the ResultTransformer?
At this case,the type of the objects in the q.list() will be Map,does these maps can be cached also?
It certainly works for "new Result(...)" but I'm not 100% sure about the ResultTransformer. I cannot see a reason why it wouldn't, considering that the transformation is made after the query.