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Ada - does pragma Attach_Handler() can attach handler with System.Priority'Last priority?

The next two declarations are equivalent:

protected type prot_Type is
    pragma Priority(System.Priority'Last);

protected type prot_Type is

One way of attaching interrupt handler is:

 protected type prot_Type is
     procedure Handler;
     pragma Attach_Handler(Handler, ...);

 --//Attach is made at the creation of the next object:
 Object : prot_Type;

it's a legal attachment (It works).

How is it possible that the handler has ceiling priority of System.Priority Last ? (As far as I know the legal priority is in range Priority'Last+1 .. Any_Priority'Last).

Another thing: if I add the pragma Priority(System.Priority'Last); to the protected declaration, a program_error exception is raised at the elaboration (when attaching the handler).

Someone can please spread the fog?


  • I finally manage to understand thanks to:

    The fact that an hadler that defined in a protected with ceiling priority System.Priority'Last managed to be attached to Interrupt seems to me like bug in the compiler.

    Only hendlers that defined in a protected with ceiling priority in Interrupt_Prioriy'Range can be attached to interrupt.

    Another important thing - for non static protected (i.e declared with "protected type ... ") the attachment is made by the creation of the object of that type. The object must be allocated dynamicly.
