I have a Spring boot project, in which I use Cassandra as a database.
Currently, I am getting Cassandra instance by auto-wiring CassandraOperations
My question is:
How can we set MaxRequestsPerConnection
using a property file?
# spring.data.cassandra.keyspace-name=event
# spring.data.cassandra.contact-points=localhost
# spring.data.cassandra.port=9042
Currently, I have these properties on my property file, but I didn't found any property for setting MaxRequestsPerConnection
Spring Boot does not offer a configuration of all properties. You can define a ClusterBuilderCustomizer
bean to customize Cluster
Try the following code to declare a customizer bean which gets properties injected that can be provided via a properties file (more generally speaking, any property source available to Spring Boot):
public class MyConfiguration {
ClusterBuilderCustomizer clusterBuilderCustomizer(
@Value("${spring.data.cassandra.pool.max-requests-local:10}") int local,
@Value("${spring.data.cassandra.pool.max-requests-remote:5}") int remote) {
PoolingOptions options = new PoolingOptions();
options.setMaxRequestsPerConnection(HostDistance.LOCAL, local);
options.setMaxRequestsPerConnection(HostDistance.REMOTE, remote);
return builder -> builder.withPoolingOptions(options);
An alternative to @Value
is using a configuration class (annotated with @ConfigurationProperties
which gives you IDE support (such as property-name auto-completion).