I am trying to simply add a legend to my Nyquist plot where I am plotting 2 sets of data: 1 is an experimental set (~600 points), and 2 is a data frame calculated using a transfer function (~1000 points)
I need to plot both and label them. Currently I have them both plotted okay but when i try to add the label using scale_colour_manual no label appears. Also a way to move this label around would be appreciated!! Code Below.
nq2 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = treat, aes(treat$V1,treat$V2), color = "red") +
geom_point(data = circuit, aes(circuit$realTF,circuit$V2), color = "blue") +
xlab("Real Z") + ylab("-Imaginary Z") +
scale_colour_manual(name = 'hell0',
values =c('red'='red','blue'='blue'), labels = c('Treatment','EQ')) +
ggtitle("Nyquist Plot and Equivilent Circuit for 2 Electrode Treatment Setup at 0 Minutes") +
xlim(0,700) + ylim(0,700)
Ggplot works best with long dataframes, so I would combine the datasets like this:
treat$Cat <- "treat"
circuit$Cat <- "circuit"
CombData <- data.frame(rbind(treat, circuit))
ggplot(CombData, aes(x=V1, y=V2, col=Cat))+geom_point()
This should give you the legend you want.
You probably have to change the names/order of the columns of dataframes treat
and circuit
so they can be combined, but it's hard to tell because you're not giving us a reproducible example.