I'm hoping to automate some HR work by running a Google App Script via the Execution API. Without getting too much into the details, I'd like to pass employee evaluation data as a parameter into the App Script. The script will then use this data to compile an "Employee Review" GDoc.
So far, I have ran a simple test App Script using the Execution API. For example, I can successfully run a simple function which logs a string or interacts with spreadsheets. So far so good.
But I run into problems when trying to write to a GDoc (which is unfortunately integral to my task). Here's my paired down script:
// TODO: Eventually, we'll pass these variables as arguments
var docId = "MY-DOC-ID";
// Find the team member review doc
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(docId);
// Replace placeholder text
var docBody = doc.getActiveSection();
docBody.replaceText('{{DATE}}', "Date set by App Script!!!");
This script works when I press the "Run" button in the App Scripts web UI. But when I try to run via the Execution API, I get:
"error": "unauthorized_client",
"error_description": "Unauthorized client or scope in request."
So apparently I haven't provided the correct scope? Following the docs, I can find the necessary scope(s) in Project Properties > Scopes which says:
But when I try adding that scope, it wont work. As I said other scopes (e.g. https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets) work just fine. Perhaps the auth/documents
scope is no longer supported or there's a bug in their API?
Doh. I figured out the solution to my problem. While it was a dumb mistake, it's nevertheless worth posting as it may save others confusion in the future.
First, a little context about my setup. I'm authenticating to the Google Client API using a Service Account. Furthermore, as is common when using a service account setup, I am impersonating a user within our organization (specifically my own account).
My missing step (obvious in hindsight)...
So the lesson: Make sure the account you are impersonating has granted access for all the scopes which your script requires.