I'm trying to make a tuple type which has a Hashable item & an Any item, & use it in a custom initializer for Dictionary. However, Swift won't use Hashable in this way, & I'm stuck for an alternative. I don't want to restrict the dictionaries I can create to just using Strings as keys.
protocol CollectionInitializeable {
associatedtype T
init(items: [T])
extension Dictionary: CollectionInitializeable {
typealias T = (Hashable, Any) // not allowed
init(items: [T]) {
// etc...
This is unnessary now, thanks to Dictionary.init(uniqueKeysWithValues:)
and Dictionary.init(_:uniquingKeysWith:)
Are you looking for something like this?
protocol CollectionInitializeable {
associatedtype T
init<C: Collection>(items: C) where C.Iterator.Element == T
extension Dictionary: CollectionInitializeable {
typealias T = Iterator.Element
init<C: Collection>(items c: C)
where C.Iterator.Element == T {
for (key, value) in c {
self[key] = value
let a = [
(key: 1, value: "a"),
(key: 2, value: "b"),
(key: 3, value: "c")
print(Dictionary(items: a))