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Module/Component with adjusted content in different articles

I maintain the website of my sports club. I recently switched to joomla and try now to set up the pages. Although I'm pretty new to joomla and the extension development, I have experience in php/MYSQL and already developed some minor modules.

What I want to do, is having a page/article for every team of the club. The pages look all about the same. They are holding further information of the players, scores, etc. (and maybe later some kind of news-box, where the coach of the team can post stuff). All the information is in a couple of DB tables for each team. Up to now I created some modules, which show the content the way I want and it works fine for one team. I install the module, connect it to the team page and enter the name of the DB table in the backend of the module. But I have to do that for every team, so I get 20 modules of the same kind that just differ in the DB name parameter and pages on which they are displayed. It would be a pain to update every module each time.

Is it possible to get the DB table name for a variable(?) from the article? My research wasn't successful on this matter. Would it be better to develop a component, but that would lead to the same problem, right? Do I need to create a plugin which holds all the information of each team, and then the module is the same on each team page but gets the DB table name from the plugin?



  • I ended up develop a component and when I set up a new team, I select this component for the menu item. I the back end I can then select one of the teams in the database. The modules for the teams are displayed in this component and get the team information from the component parameters.