I have a file with .pts ending which contains 6 columns of number. it is practically a text file since it has no defined header or anything else. A snipit for example:
497074.93 5419772.04 266.04 12 1 1
497074.93 5419772.08 266.02 15 1 1
497074.93 5419772.09 266.05 13 1 1
497074.93 5419772.11 266.05 13 1 1
497074.94 5419772.14 266.02 11 1 1
497074.94 5419772.15 266.04 13 1 1
497074.94 5419772.17 266.04 14 1 1
497074.94 5419772.18 266.05 14 1 1
I have two questions here:
Are these xyz values with RGB attached?
How can I load them into matlab and save it as a point cloud?
The data was obtained from this link and as best as I can tell is supposed to contain a point cloud of some format.
For what concerns the reading in, you can use textscan
filename = '*** Full path to your text file ***';
fid = fopen(filename, 'r');
if fid == -1, error('Cannot open file! Check filename or location.'); end
readdata = cell2mat(textscan(fid,'%f%f%f%f%f%f'));
This code will save the data in a matrix with 6 columns, if the file does not contain data other than the numbers. The format %f
can be changed according to your needs (see https://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/textscan.html).
About the meaning of the data: when I click on the link I don't see any data so please be more specific on that. Besides that, why would you use data of which you don't know the meaning?