How can I add external css styles in amp page. This tag I am using to include css file.
<link href="css/cssnew.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
Its giving the following error: The attribute 'href' in tag 'link rel=stylesheet for fonts' is set to the invalid value 'css/cssnew.css'. (see
In amp documentation it specifies to use inline styling.
<style amp-custom>
//css code
But how to include all the required css inside this tag since it has certain limits. Can anybody explain me regarding this with an example as I am completely new to amp pages. Thank you in advance
By using PHP you can do that but css should not exceed 50kb. You have to include this line in the head section
<?php readfile( getcwd() . "/amp.css"); ?>
<style amp-custom>
body {
background-color: blue;