So we have this web app where we support UTF8 data. Hooray UTF8. And we can export the user-supplied data into CSV no problem - it's still in UTF8 at that point. The problem is when you open a typical UTF8 CSV up in Excel, it reads it as ANSII encoded text, and accordingly tries to read two-byte chars like ø and ü as two separate characters and you end up with fail.
So I've done a bit of digging (the Intervals folks have a interesting post about it here), and there are some limited if ridiculously annoying options out there. Among them:
It looks like no matter what, I'm probably going to want to continue offering a plain-old CSV file for the folks who aren't using it for Excel anyway, and a separate download option for Excel.
What's the simplest way of generating that Just-For-Excel file that will correctly support UTF8, my dear Stack Overflowers? If that simplest option only supports the latest version of Excel, that's still of interest.
I'm doing this on a Rails stack, but curious how the .Net-ers and folks on any frameworks handle this. I work in a few different environments myself and this is definitely an issue that will becoming up again.
Update 2010-10-22: We had been using the Ruport gem in our time-tracking system Tempo to provide the CSV exports when I first posted this question. One of my coworkers, Erik Hollensbee, threw together a quick filter for Ruport to provide us with actual Excel XSL output, and I figured I'd share that here for any other ruby-ists:
require 'rubygems'
require 'ruport'
require 'spreadsheet'
require 'stringio'
Spreadsheet.client_encoding = "UTF-8"
include Ruport::Data
class Ruport::Formatter::Excel < Ruport::Formatter
renders :excel, :for => Ruport::Controller::Table
def output
retval =
if options.workbook
book = options.workbook
book =
if options.worksheet_name
book_args = { :name => options.worksheet_name }
book_args = { }
sheet = book.create_worksheet(book_args)
offset = 0
if options.show_table_headers
sheet.row(0).default_format =
options.format_options ||
:color => :blue,
:weight => :bold,
:size => 18
sheet.row(0).replace data.column_names
offset = 1
end do |row, i|
sheet.row(i+offset).replace { |x|[x] }
book.write retval
You're forgetting creating an OleDB datasource and Excel Interop, but there are issues with those as well.
I recommend the SpreadsheetML option. It works pretty well, odds are your platform has some decent tools for building xml files, and it's fully supported as far back as OfficeXP. Office2000 is not supported, but personal experience is that it works in a limited way.