I add pdf generation task in delayed jobs like below
@employe.each do |em|
em.details.each do |detail|
Delayed::Job.enqueue GeneratePdf.new(detail)
This works fine but it takes like 2min to loop through all the employes and their details and to complete the request.
How can I reduce this time? Or how can I add the loop delayed job as well. My current generate pdf class
class GeneratePdf < Struct.new(:detail)
def perform
filename = detail.id.to_s
pdf = EmployeDetailsPdf.new(detail) #this generates a pdf
pdf.render_file(filename + ".pdf")
First off, I assume your @employe
variable should be called @employees
and stores just that: several employees
You generally should only pass the id of an object to a job. The job will query the database to retrieve the employee. It does not matter if that takes a bit longer, that's what the job is here for.
Like that, you pass the major work load to the job:
# some_controller
@employees.pluck(:id).each { |id| Delayed::Job.enqueue(id) }
# generate_pdf_job.rb
class GeneratePdf < Struct.new(:id)
def perform
employee = Employee.find(id)
employee.details.each do |detail|
pdf = EmployeDetailsPdf.new(detail)
pdf.render_file(detail.id.to_s + ".pdf")