I have 3 arrays as below.
$array1 = Array
[0] => 05/01
[1] => 05/02
$array2 =Array
[0] => ED
[1] => P
$array3 =Array
[0] => Mon
[1] => Tue
I want to merge these 3 arrays as below $result_array
. I have written a code as below. But It gave a empty array.
$result_array =Array
[0] => Array
[0] => 05/01
[1] => ED
[2] => Mon
[1] => Array
[0] => 05/02
[1] => P
[2] => Tue
for($z=0; $z<count($array1); $z++){
$all_array[$z][] = array_merge($array1[$z],$array2[$z] );
$all_array2[$z] = array_merge($all_array[$z],$array3[$z] );
Please help me to do this.
Simply foreach over the first array and use the index as the key to the other arrays.
foreach ( $array1 as $idx => $val ) {
$all_array[] = [ $val, $array2[$idx], $array3[$idx] ];
Remember this will only work if all 3 arrays are the same length, you might like to check that first