I love using vim and vimdiff. I am currently working on comparing two files in vimdiff and I frequently run into the situation that I want to delete the same line in both buffers. In the following example I would like to delete lines 40 and 41.
39 text_a | 39 text_b
40 text_aa | 40 text_aa
41 text_bb | 41 text_bb
42 text_c | 42 text_d
It feels tedious to perform dd
, dd
to delete the line in the current window, jump to the other window, delete the line there and jump back to my original window.
Does anyone know a shortcut for this?
You can use bufdo
to delete lines 40 and 41 in all buffers
:bufdo 40,41d
as per your case using vimdiff, the command is
:windo 40,41d