I have an angular 4 application with material design. In this applicatino I open a dialog with a form inside. In this form, I have an autocomplete field in first position. This is my html code :
<div class="containerDialog">
<h1 md-dialog-title>Add porject</h1>
<form class="form-horizontal" role="form">
<div class="form-group">
<input mdInput type="text" mdInput [mdAutocomplete]="project" placeholder="Selectionner un projet">
<md-autocomplete #project="mdAutocomplete">
<md-option *ngFor="let project of projectsList" [value]="project.name">
{{ project.name}}
<div md-dialog-actions>
<button md-button md-dialog-close="close">Cancel</button>
<button md-button md-dialog-close="save">Save</button>
When I open the dialog, the autocomplete input is selected, so the list of project.name
appears without click on the input.
So, do you know how I can do to don't have the input selected at the opening but just when I click on it ?
I had some similar problem. For me adding cdk-focus-region-start
to the container worked.
In your case try this:
<div cdk-focus-region-start class="form-group">
<input mdInput type="text" mdInput [mdAutocomplete]="project" placeholder="Selectionner un projet">
<md-autocomplete #project="mdAutocomplete">
<md-option *ngFor="let project of projectsList" [value]="project.name">
{{ project.name}}
If this does not work try adding cdk-focus-region-start
to the parent form
and remove it from the div