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Fiware-Cygnus configuration to Postgresql, DynamoDB and CKAN

I'm new to working with Fiware and have installed contextBroker and Cygnus. What I need to do now is configure to post data to PostgreSQL, DynamoDB and CKAN.

I have seen some exampled on posting to CKAN but haven't been able to try this out as yet.

For the Amazon DynamoDB sink, I'm getting an of error that states the region that I'm using "ap-southeast-2" is invalid. The log states that the valid region should be "ap-shouteast-2". Has anybody else had this issue and know how to address this?

Here is the extract from the log:-

time=2017-07-06T08:44:39.652Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr= | trans= | srv= | subsrv= | comp=cygnus-ngsi | op=configure |[108] : [dynamodb-sink] Invalid configuration (region=ap-southeast-2) -- Must be 'us-east-1', 'us-west-1', 'us-west-2', 'eu-west-1', 'eu-central-1', 'ap-northeast-1', 'ap-northeast1', 'ap-shouteast-1', 'ap-shouteast-2' or 'sa-east-1'

I'm also struggling to find any examples on how to Post to PostgreSQL, including any mappings for creating the table.

Are there any good examples out there on how to post to PostgreSQL, Dynamodb and CKAN?

Any assistance with this would be appreciated.


  • Thanks for your post, it has revealed a bug regarding the AWS region names. Southeast regions are coded as APSHOUTEAST1 and APSHOUTEAST2, instead of APSOUTHEAST1 and APSOUTHEAST2 (after removing - and upper casing the configured region). You can see it here:

    The only possible workaround is to use a different region than southeast ones.

    With regards to the behaviour of the sinks, usually they are able to work in two different persistence modes, "row" and "column". The former enables Cygnus to create everything, i.e. schemas and tables. The later requires schemas and tables are previously created by the admin. Details can be found here.

    Finally, the xXXXX-like encoding you are experiencing is the result of configuring enable_encoding = true. Just set it to false and you will see the underscores in the table names. More details can be seen here.