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SFINAE for cast operator

I have a class, which wraps an enum and provides string conversion for it. Now I introduced the template parameter 'fastStringConvert' which controls how the conversion made using SFINAE (found here: how can I use std::enable_if in a conversion operator?). The code compiles under MSVC, but fails under GCC and Clang.

error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘struct std::enable_if<false, void>’

What could be the problem and how should I change the code?

The relevant parts of the code below or here:

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>

template <
    class SubClass, 
    typename EnumType, 
    bool fastStringConvert = true
class SmartEnum
    template <
        typename SFINAEPostponer = EnumType,
        typename = typename std::enable_if<fastStringConvert, void>::type
    explicit operator const std::string&() const 
        auto name = SubClass::names().find((int)value);
        if (name != SubClass::names().end())
            return name->second;
            static const std::string na("n.a.");
            return na;

    template <
        typename SFINAEPostponer = EnumType,
        typename = typename std::enable_if<!fastStringConvert, void>::type
    explicit operator const std::string() const
        auto name = SubClass::names().find((int)value);
        if (name != SubClass::names().end()) return name->second;
        else return std::to_string((int)value);

    typedef const std::map<int, std::string> Names;
    EnumType value;

enum class Foo_type : int { a, b, c }; 

struct Foo : SmartEnum<Foo, Foo_type, true>
    typedef SmartEnum<Foo, Foo_type, true> Base; 

    static const Base::Names &names() 
        static const Base::Names names = { { 0, "a" }, { 1, "b" }, { 2,"c" }}; 
        return names; 


  • You have to use template argument from the method, else you have a hard error, something like:

    template <
        typename SFINAEPostponer = EnumType,
        bool Cond = !fastStringConvert,
        typename = typename std::enable_if<Cond, void>::type
    explicit operator const std::string() const

    BTW, better to use enable_if as type instead of default value (to allow disable part):

    template <
        typename SFINAEPostponer = EnumType,
        bool Cond = !fastStringConvert,
        typename std::enable_if<Cond, void>::type* = nullptr
    explicit operator const std::string() const