Did not know how to call the Title properly. However, I am trying to understand how the data pages are stored. I've created simple table:
id INT,
v CHAR(10)
INSERT INTO dbo.testFix
( 1, -- id - int
'asdasd' -- v - varchar(100)
GO 2
Then I got PageFID and PagePID by following command:
DBCC IND(tempdb, testFix, -1)
Then the actual data pages:
DBCC PAGE (tempdb, 1, 368, 3)
So now I see:
Slot 0 Offset 0x60 Length 21
Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD Record Attributes = NULL_BITMAP
Record Size = 21Memory Dump @0x000000287DD7A060
0000000000000000: 10001200 01000000 61736461 73642020 20200200 ........asdasd .. 0000000000000014: 00
.Slot 0 Column 1 Offset 0x4 Length 4 Length (physical) 4
id = 1
Slot 0 Column 2 Offset 0x8 Length 10 Length (physical) 10
v = asdasd
Slot 1 Offset 0x75 Length 21
Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD Record Attributes = NULL_BITMAP
Record Size = 21Memory Dump @0x000000287DD7A075
0000000000000000: 10001200 01000000 61736461 73642020 20200200 ........asdasd .. 0000000000000014: 00
.Slot 1 Column 1 Offset 0x4 Length 4 Length (physical) 4
id = 1
Slot 1 Column 2 Offset 0x8 Length 10 Length (physical) 10
v = asdasd
Slot 2 Offset 0x8a Length 21
Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD Record Attributes = NULL_BITMAP
Record Size = 21Memory Dump @0x000000287DD7A08A
0000000000000000: 10001200 01000000 61736461 73642020 20200200 ........asdasd .. 0000000000000014: 00
So the length of the record is 21 byte. However INT is 4 bytes and CHAR(10) is 10 bytes. 4+10=14. What for the other 7 bytes are used?
Here is the "anatomy" of data row
In red there are 7 bytes you are missing: Status Bits A (1), Status Bits B (1), Fdata length (2), Ncols (2), NullBits (1)
From this book: Pro SQL Server Internals by Korotkevitch D.