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Change WooCommerce variable product title based on variations

I've coded in a custom select box to a group of my products that changes the price based on the user's selection. It works well, but now I need to change the product title too based on their selection.

Basically if option 1 is chosen, the product name stays the same. But is option 2 is chosen, I need to add "-RZ" to the end of the product title.

I'm not sure if I can do this in the 'woocommerce_before_calculate_totals' hook where I altered the prices, but if anyone knows the hook I should use and the code to access the current product's title via PHP that would be great.

Here is the code that alters the price if it's helpful:

function calculate_core_fee( $cart_object ) {
    if( !WC()->session->__isset( "reload_checkout" )) {
        /* core price */

        //echo $additionalPrice;
        //$additionalPrice = 100;
        foreach ( $cart_object->cart_contents as $key => $value ) {
            $product_id = $value['product_id'];
            if( isset( $value["addOn"] ) && $value["addOn"] == $product_id) {                
                    $additionalPrice = $value['core'];
                    /* Woocommerce 3.0 + */
                    $orgPrice = floatval( $value['data']->get_price() );
                    //echo $additionalPrice;
                    //echo $orgPrice;
                    $value['data']->set_price( $orgPrice + $additionalPrice );

add_action( 'woocommerce_before_calculate_totals', 'calculate_core_fee', 99 );

I know may have to get the name and store it in a SESSION variable to use later if the hook to do this is on the cart, checkout, or order page rather than the single-product page.


  • Yes this is possible in the same hook. You can manipulate the product title with class WC_Product get_name() and set_name() methods. But as for the price, you should set and get a custom cart field value to make it (just as $additionalPrice = $value['core'];).

    See here a simple related answer: Changing WooCommerce cart item names

    So you could have something like (just a fake example):

    // Get your custom field cart value for the user selection
    $userSelection = $value['user_selection'];
    // Get original title
    $originalTitle = $value['data']->get_name();
    // Conditionally set the new item title
    if($userSelection == 'option2')
        $value['data']->set_name( $originalTitle . '-RZ' );