There are lots of topics with the same title, but trying/mending them all to fit my needs is so far unsuccessful.
This came close to what I want to achieve, but the exclude is not working, it renames the PDF files in all subfolders instead of the only remaining folder “Folder 3”. Also here I tried solutions from other topics of which none worked for me so far.
[string[]]$Path = @('C:\test\')
[string[]]$Excludes = @('*folder 1*', '*Folder 2*')
Get-ChildItem $Path -Filter *.pdf -Recurse | ?{$_.DirectoryName -notlike $Excludes } | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Directory.Parent.BaseName + '-' + $_.Name }
What I am trying to achieve is renaming all PDF files in a subfolder of a subfolder with the name of the first subfolder, see structure below.
\Folder 1
|- file1.pdf
|- file2.pdf
\Folder 2
|- file1.pdf
|- file2.pdf
\Folder 3
|- file1.pdf
|- file2.pdf
\Folder 1
|- file1.pdf
|- file2.pdf
\Folder 2
|- file1.pdf
|- file2.pdf
\Folder 3
|- file1.pdf
|- file2.pdf
To get this:
C:\test\2704814\Folder 3\2704814-file1.pdf
C:\test\2704814\Folder 3\2704814-file2.pdf
EDIT inserted another $ExcludeL1 for firstlevel subfolders
The safest way is to do it step by step:
$Base = 'C:\test\'
$ExcludeL1 = @('folder 1', 'Folder 2')
$ExcludeL2 = @('Othername')
Get-ChildITem -Path $Base -Directory | Where {$_.Name -notin $ExcludeL1}|ForEach {
$PreFix = $_.Name
Get-ChildItem -Path $_.FullName -Directory |
Where-Object {$_.Name -notin $ExcludeL2 } |
ForEach-Object {
Get-ChildItem $_.FullName -Filter *.PDF |
Where-Object {$_.BaseName -notmatch $PreFix}|
Rename-Item -NewName { "$PreFix-$($_.Name)"} -WhatIf
If your output looks OK, remove the -WhatIf
in the last line.
Sample resutlt on my ramdrive A:
> tree /F
│ ├───Folder 1
│ │ file1.pdf
│ │ file2.pdf
│ ├───Folder 2
│ │ file1.pdf
│ │ file2.pdf
│ └───Folder 3
│ 2704814-file1.pdf
│ 2704814-file2.pdf
├───Folder 1
│ file1.pdf
│ file2.pdf
├───Folder 2
│ file1.pdf
│ file2.pdf
└───Folder 3