I have a temporary table in MS Access with the following column headers
ProjectID, JanuaryCost, FebruaryCost ,...DecemberCost Year
1001 $25 $50 $35 2016
1001 $15 $22 $26 2017
I wish to store these records in another access table which has the following fields
ProjectID , IncurredDate , Cost
1001 01/2016 $25
1001 02/2016 $50
1001 12/2017 $26
How do i do this ? I am not an extreme expert at access so would be great if someone could give me a sample query instead of just suggest an approach like (Normalize)
Use UNION query to rearrange the source data into normalized structure.
SELECT ProjectID, "1/1/" & [Year] AS IncurredDate, [JanuaryCost] AS Cost FROM tablename
UNION SELECT ProjectID, "2/1/" & [Year], [FebruaryCost] FROM tablename
UNION SELECT ProjectID, "12/1/" & [Year], [DecemberCost] FROM tablename;
Must use SQLView of query builder and type or copy/paste lines. There is a limit of 50 SELECT lines.
IncurredDate field should be a date/time type and populate with full date as I show in example. Or if really want only month and year in a text field, populate as YYYY/MM to enable easier sorting/filtering or put year and month in separate fields.