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vim-airline - hide filetype in statusbar

I would like to know how to hide the filetype in the statusbar in vim. For example when I open a .tex-File vim is showing me it is a "tex" file. I don't want this.

My statusline looks like this:

NORMAL>SPELL>git master> "filename"...< "filetype"< "encoding"<...

and I would like to remove the "filetype" part

for example:

NORMAL>SPELL>git master> main.tex ...< tex < utf-8[unix] <...

I also would like to know how to remove the "<" that would stay after removing the filetype (have several triangles left where I removed stuff like trailing and so on because I have no clue what the attribute names are which i have to set 0)


  • I found out how to do it, earlier this day I didn't get the help part of vim-airline to do this the solution is:

    " remove the filetype part
    let g:airline_section_x=''
    " remove separators for empty sections
    let g:airline_skip_empty_sections = 1