I have daily data in the pandas DataFrame df
with certain days missing (e.g. 1980-12-25 below). I would like to reindex the DataFrame to add those dates with NaN values.
date close
0 1980-12-12 28.75
1 1980-12-15 27.25
2 1980-12-16 25.25
3 1980-12-17 25.87
4 1980-12-18 26.63
5 1980-12-19 28.25
6 1980-12-22 29.63
7 1980-12-23 30.88
8 1980-12-24 32.50
9 1980-12-26 35.50
I have generated the list dates
with the full set of dates I want.
[Timestamp('1980-12-12 00:00:00'), Timestamp('1980-12-15 00:00:00'), Timestamp('1980-12-16 00:00:00'), Timestamp('1980-12-17 00:00:00'), Timestamp('1980-12-18 00:00:00'), Timestamp('1980-12-19 00:00:00'), Timestamp('1980-12-22 00:00:00'), Timestamp('1980-12-23 00:00:00'), Timestamp('1980-12-24 00:00:00'), Timestamp('1980-12-25 00:00:00'), Timestamp('1980-12-26 00:00:00')]
Unfortunately when I run the reindex command below, the table becomes completely filled with NaN.
I ran the below checks, which all check out fine...
>>> type(df['date'][0])
<class 'pandas._libs.tslib.Timestamp'>
>>> type(dates[0])
<class 'pandas._libs.tslib.Timestamp'>
>>> dates[0] == df['date'][0]
From what I see in your question, you'll need to set_index()
date close
0 1980-12-12 28.75
1 1980-12-15 27.25
2 1980-12-16 25.25
3 1980-12-17 25.87
4 1980-12-18 26.63
5 1980-12-19 28.25
6 1980-12-22 29.63
7 1980-12-23 30.88
8 1980-12-24 32.50
9 1980-12-26 35.50
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
df.set_index('date', inplace=True)
1980-12-12 28.75
1980-12-15 27.25
1980-12-16 25.25
1980-12-17 25.87
1980-12-18 26.63
1980-12-19 28.25
1980-12-22 29.63
1980-12-23 30.88
1980-12-24 32.50
1980-12-25 NaN
1980-12-26 35.50
You need to set index so it knows how to align your new index. Is this your expected output?