We are using CXF to speak to an external SOAP interface with a bit of a weird bahviour. The interface expects xsd:decimal to be left padded with zeros up to 15 digits. So 23
will become 000000000000023
How can I achieve this padding with CXF?
Solved it myself. I created an XmlJavaTypeAdapter for this, which I then use via the @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation.
public class XmlDecimalAdapter extends XmlAdapter< String, BigDecimal >
public String marshal( BigDecimal value ) throws Exception
final String stringRepresentation = value.toString();
if( value.compareTo( BigDecimal.ZERO ) < 0 ){
String result = "-00000000000000";
return result.substring( 0, result.length() - stringRepresentation.length() + 1 ) + stringRepresentation.substring( 1 );
String result = "000000000000000";
return result.substring( 0, result.length() - stringRepresentation.length() ) + stringRepresentation;
public BigDecimal unmarshal( String value ) throws Exception
if( value.equals( "000000000000000" ) ){
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
if( value.startsWith( "-") ){
return new BigDecimal( value.replaceFirst( "^-0*", "-" ) );
return new BigDecimal( value.replaceFirst( "^0*", "" ) );