SQL Server 2014 using T-SQL.
In our database, customers have issues(!) and each issue assigned against a customer has a separate row in the table I'm querying.
I'm looking to create an single row for each of these issues (along with some other information) but at the moment, each of my CASE statements is creating a single row.
So the output is current like this (I've changed some header names so they fit on here):
Prod Date Time Cust Lname Fname Street 1 S2 City Zip Email CSI Action Dog Prog TourHeadsets
Tosca 08-Apr-17 2:30 PM 122253 Smith Michael 33 Rodeo Drive NULL Beverley Hills 90210 msmith@email.com NULL NULL 0 None 0 1
Tosca 08-Apr-17 2:30 PM 122253 Smith Michael 33 Rodeo Drive NULL Beverley Hills 90210 msmith@email.com NULL NULL 0 Large 0 0
Tosca 08-Apr-17 2:30 PM 122253 Smith Michael 33 Rodeo Drive NULL Beverley Hills 90210 msmith@email.com NULL NULL 0 None 2 0
Tosca 08-Apr-17 2:30 PM 125634 Brown Sarah 22 Victory Drive NULL Beverley Hills 90210 sbrown@email.com NULL NULL 0 Large 0 0
Tosca 08-Apr-17 2:30 PM 125634 Brown Sarah 22 Victory Drive NULL Beverley Hills 90210 sbrown@email.com NULL NULL 0 None 2 0
Tosca 08-Apr-17 2:30 PM 125634 Brown Sarah 22 Victory Drive NULL Beverley Hills 90210 sbrown@email.com NULL NULL 0 None 0 2
But I'd like this (with the result of the 4 CASE statements in separate columns in the same row):
Prod Date Time Cust Lname Fname Street 1 S2 City Zip Email CSI Action Dog Prog Tour Headsets
Tosca 08-Apr-17 2:30 PM 122253 Smith Michael 33 Rodeo Drive NULL Beverley Hills 90210 msmith@email.com NULL NULL 0 Large print 2 1
Tosca 08-Apr-17 2:30 PM 125634 Brown Sarah 22 Victory Drive NULL Beverley Hills 90210 sbrown@email.com NULL NULL 0 Large print 2 2
Any help for a rookie?! (Any other feedback on the code very welcome too. I'm totally new to this.) Here's the code I've been using to get this far:
USE impresario
g.description AS 'Production'
,CONVERT(varchar,f.perf_dt,106) AS 'Date'
,FORMAT(CAST(f.perf_dt AS DATETIME),'h:mm tt') AS 'Time'
,a.customer_no AS 'Customer'
,b.lname AS 'Last name'
,b.fname AS 'First name'
,c.street1 AS 'Street 1'
,c.street2 AS 'Street 2'
,c.city AS 'City'
,c.postal_code AS 'Postal code'
,a.notes AS 'CSI notes'
,e.notes AS 'Action notes'
,CASE h.id
WHEN 14 THEN '1'
WHEN 15 THEN '2'
ELSE '0'
AS 'Dogs'
,CASE h.id
WHEN 16 THEN 'Large print'
WHEN 17 THEN 'Braille'
ELSE 'None'
AS 'Programmes'
,CASE h.id
WHEN 18 THEN '1'
WHEN 19 THEN '2'
ELSE '0'
AS 'Touch tour'
,CASE h.id
WHEN 20 THEN '1'
WHEN 21 THEN '2'
ELSE '0'
AS 'Headsets'
JOIN T_CUSTOMER b ON b.customer_no=a.customer_no
JOIN T_ADDRESS c ON c.customer_no=a.customer_no
JOIN T_EADDRESS d ON d.customer_no=a.customer_no
JOIN T_ISSUE_ACTION e ON e.activity_no=a.activity_no
JOIN T_PERF f ON f.perf_no=a.perf_no
JOIN T_INVENTORY g ON g.inv_no=f.prod_season_no
JOIN TR_ACTION h ON h.id=e.action
WHERE a.activity_type=21 --'Access requirements' from TR_CUST_ACTIVITY_TYPE
AND c.primary_ind='Y' --Primary addresses only
AND d.primary_ind='Y' --Primary emails only
AND e.action IN
14 --Dog x1
,15 --Dog x2
,16 --Programme (large print)
,17 --Programme (braille)
,18 --Touch tour x1
,19 --Touch tour x2
,20 --Headset x1
,21 --Headset x2
ORDER BY f.perf_dt, a.customer_no ASC
I found a way to solve this using MAX against each of the CASE statements, which appears to have worked:
USE impresario
g.description AS 'Production'
,CONVERT(varchar,f.perf_dt,106) AS 'Date'
,FORMAT(CAST(f.perf_dt AS DATETIME),'h:mm tt') AS 'Time'
,a.customer_no AS 'Customer'
,b.lname AS 'Last name'
,b.fname AS 'First name'
,c.street1 AS 'Street 1'
,c.street2 AS 'Street 2'
,c.city AS 'City'
,c.postal_code AS 'Postal code'
,a.notes AS 'CSI notes'
,e.notes AS 'Action notes'
,MAX(CASE h.id
WHEN 14 THEN '1'
WHEN 15 THEN '2'
ELSE '0'
AS 'Dogs'
,MAX(CASE h.id
WHEN 16 THEN 'Large print'
WHEN 17 THEN 'Braille'
ELSE 'None'
AS 'Programmes'
,MAX(CASE h.id
WHEN 18 THEN '1'
WHEN 19 THEN '2'
ELSE '0'
AS 'Touch tour'
,MAX(CASE h.id
WHEN 20 THEN '1'
WHEN 21 THEN '2'
ELSE '0'
AS 'Headsets'
JOIN T_CUSTOMER b ON b.customer_no=a.customer_no
JOIN T_ADDRESS c ON c.customer_no=a.customer_no
JOIN T_EADDRESS d ON d.customer_no=a.customer_no
JOIN T_ISSUE_ACTION e ON e.activity_no=a.activity_no
JOIN T_PERF f ON f.perf_no=a.perf_no
JOIN T_INVENTORY g ON g.inv_no=f.prod_season_no
JOIN TR_ACTION h ON h.id=e.action
WHERE a.activity_type=21 --'Access requirements' from TR_CUST_ACTIVITY_TYPE
AND c.primary_ind='Y' --Primary addresses only
AND d.primary_ind='Y' --Primary emails only
AND e.action IN
14 --Dog x1
,15 --Dog x2
,16 --Programme (large print)
,17 --Programme (braille)
,18 --Touch tour x1
,19 --Touch tour x2
,20 --Headset x1
,21 --Headset x2
, f.perf_dt
, a.customer_no
, b.lname
, b.fname
, c.street1
, c.street2
, c.city
, c.postal_code
, d.address
, a.notes
, e.notes
, a.customer_no ASC