I'm writing an asp.net core application and wanna send a message to an NServiceBus endpoint.
As we have different environments I need to configure an endpoint address for each environment. I do that in the app settings.Env.json.
I like to do the same with the instance mappings. The only ways I know is to have a different instance-mapping.xml
file for every environment or add it to the app.config that I don't have. Is there a way to set the instance machine in code? I don't wanna have different XML files.
I use NServiceBus 6.3.4
I added a feature to the endpoint configuration:
public class MyFeature : Feature
protected override void Setup(FeatureConfigurationContext context)
var endpointInstances = context.Settings.Get<EndpointInstances>();
new List<EndpointInstance>
new EndpointInstance("MyEndpoint").AtMachine("VM-1")