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JIRA Python Setting Labels

I am trying to set the labels field for a JIRA ticket in Python using the jira-python API.

With a valid JIRA issue object, created with issue = jira.issue(jira_ticket), I have tried the following:

  • issue.update(labels='AAA'): gives a not on the appropriate screen error as below.
  • issue.update(fields={'labels':'AAA'}): also gives a not on the appropriate screen error as below.

  • issue.fields.labels.append(u'AAA'): does not produce an error, but does not update field. I guess it updates the issue object, but doesn't push back to JIRA server.

I seem to always receive the error:

jira.exceptions.JIRAError: JiraError HTTP 400 url: https://someserver/rest/api/2/issue/nnnnnn
text: Field 'labels' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown.

This is the same error as this post, Python - JIRA - Modify Labels, but for different reasons - namely, labels are not turned off here, and I can set them with the web interface: See Image: JIRA Labels Added in Web UI and Image: updated JIRA issue with Labels.

If I dump out the raw fields for the issue in question, having added labels to it using the Web UI as above, then I can see the labels in the Python JIRA Issue object:

Field: 'labels', Value: ['StackOverflow', 'TAGTHATICANSEARCHFOR']

If anyone can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.


  • After much digging around for an answer, it seems there is an ongoing problem with this.

    It appears that I need to access labels manager to check issue labels and modify labels:

    There's an issue posted with Atlassian - vote it up:

    Hopefully this helps someone if they find this post.