I'm using ngrok building a Secure tunnels to localhost server
On server side I run the command start ngrok
./bin/ngrokd -domain="tunnel.kmic168.com" -httpAddr=":8080"
[07/12/17 17:37:16] [INFO] [registry] [tun] No affinity cache specified
[07/12/17 17:37:16] [INFO] [metrics] Reporting every 30 seconds
[07/12/17 17:37:16] [INFO] Listening for public http connections on [::]:8080
[07/12/17 17:37:16] [INFO] Listening for public https connections on [::]:443
[07/12/17 17:37:16] [INFO] Listening for control and proxy connections on [::]:4443
It seems fine. Then I run the command on client side
./ngrok -subdomain=rbp -config="ngrok.cfg" 80
and the
Tunnel Status: reconnecting .
Alway reconnecting. Then I checkd the server side display these error
[07/12/17 17:40:13] [INFO] [pub:7ac836d4] New connection from [07/12/17 17:40:13] [WARN] [pub:7ac836d4] Failed to read valid http request: malformed HTTP request "\x16\x03\x01\x00\x9a\x01\x00\x00\x96\x03\x03;Qߓ\xccj\xb7nm\xa0\xe0\x86\x04\u007fH{W5\x10\xb1\xc4\xcc\xed\xe5\xbf\xc9\x00\xa1ĥbq\x00\x00\x1c\xc0/\xc0+\xc00\xc0,\xc0\x13\xc0\t\xc0\x14\xc0" [07/12/17 17:40:13] [DEBG] [pub:7ac836d4] Closing [07/12/17 17:40:23] [INFO] [metrics] Reporting: {"bytesIn.count":0,"bytesOut.count":0,"connMeter.count":0,"connMeter.m1":0,"httpTunnelMeter.count":0,"linux":0,"osx":0,"other":0,"tcpTunnelMeter.count":0,"tunnelMeter.count":0,"tunnelMeter.m1":0,"windows":0}
Here is my cfg file content
server_addr: "tunnel.kmic168.com:8080"
trust_host_root_certs: false
Is there a solution to resolve this error? Thank you very much!
finally I found the solution
you have to use the port 4443