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loopback remote method path definition issue

I want to define a remote method with the following path:


In the dataSourceTesting.json file I defined its path as :
"http": [
          "path": "/{id}/a",
          "verb": "put"

But when I send request on this end point it gives me the error that can't found the method for this endpoint. 

Do I need to define a relationship for it or is there any other way to define a remote method for this path?


  • you should define your remotemethod in dataSourceTesting.js file:

    DataSourceTesting.remoteMethod('putDataSourceTestings', {
        accepts: [
            {arg: 'id', type: 'string'}],
        http: {path:'/:id/a', verb:'put'},
        returns: {arg: 'result', type: 'json'}

    then implement your putDataSourceTestings function:

    DataSourceTesting.putDataSourceTestings = function(id, cb){
        //your logic goes here