How to make a hourly alert in a native watchface app for Gear S3? Any code samples?
You may try using Alarm API in this purpose. Follow the steps below:
Now use the below code snippet in the watchface app to trigger the alert after a specific time which is 1hr in your case.
bool init_alert(){
int ret;
int DELAY = 3;
int REMIND = 3600; //alert after every 1hr.
int alarm_id;
app_control_h app_control = NULL;
ret = app_control_create(&app_control);
ret = app_control_set_operation(app_control, APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_DEFAULT);
ret = app_control_set_app_id(app_control, "Service_App_ID");
ret = alarm_schedule_after_delay(app_control, DELAY, REMIND, &alarm_id);
return true;}
Use below privileges in watchface app manifest file:
Now in service_app_control() function of the service app, create an alert using the below code:
void service_app_control(app_control_h app_control, void *data){
dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Hourly Alert Here");
notification = notification_create(NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOTI);
int ret =0;
ret = notification_set_text(notification, NOTIFICATION_TEXT_TYPE_TITLE, "Hourly Alert!!",
ret = notification_post(notification);
Use below privilege in service app manifest file:
To know in details go through this link.
Edit: 1 You may find the reason of this problem into this link. Please go through remarks and see also section. I've posted the answer for version 2.3.2 previously. That's why I wasn't getting any error. Please follow the way below. It works for version 3.0 in my case.
Step 1: Take a counter, at first set it to 0 and increment it every time the clock gives 0 for seconds like this:
watch_time_get_second(watch_time, &second);
if(second == 0) count++;
Step 2: Now, check the counter value if it equals to your required value e.g. if you want an alert after every 3 minutes interval then you may check whether it equals to 3 and after that create a notification like this:
if(count == 3){
dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Hourly Alert");
notification = notification_create(NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOTI);
int ret =0;
ret = notification_set_text(notification, NOTIFICATION_TEXT_TYPE_TITLE, "Hourly Alert!!",
ret = notification_post(notification);
count = 0;
At the end, set the counter to 0, to get ready to count for the next interval. Find the full code structure below for a good understanding:
#include <notification.h>
static notification_h notification = NULL;
int count = 0;
static void
update_watch(appdata_s *ad, watch_time_h watch_time, int ambient)
char watch_text[TEXT_BUF_SIZE];
int hour24, minute, second;
if (watch_time == NULL)
watch_time_get_hour24(watch_time, &hour24);
watch_time_get_minute(watch_time, &minute);
watch_time_get_second(watch_time, &second);
if (!ambient) {
if(second == 0) count++;
if(count == 3){
dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "Hourly Alert");
notification = notification_create(NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOTI);
int ret =0;
ret = notification_set_text(notification, NOTIFICATION_TEXT_TYPE_TITLE, "Hourly Alert!!",
ret = notification_post(notification);
count = 0;
dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "cnt = %d", count);
snprintf(watch_text, TEXT_BUF_SIZE, "<align=center>Hello<br/>%02d:%02d:%02d</align>",
hour24, minute, second);
} else {
snprintf(watch_text, TEXT_BUF_SIZE, "<align=center>Hello Watch<br/>%02d:%02d</align>",
hour24, minute);
elm_object_text_set(ad->label, watch_text);
N.B: Don't forget to add privilege for notification.