For my current environment, I have created one mater and several agents (windows containers). Here comes the questions:
When ssh into the master, I tried to pull image but turned out failed with this phenomenon. May I know how can I pull the image successfully?
azureuser@k8s-master-0000000-0:~$ docker pull microsoft/iis
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from microsoft/iis
3889bb8d808b: Retrying in 1 second
e29afd68a947: Downloading
4c670d580638: Download complete
d9f92ede2908: Download complete
ad1e133a7ea1: Download complete
e0a8179d5f31: Download complete
unknown blob
What are the steps required to connect to the Windows Node??
May I know how can I pull the image successfully?
You are using docker on Linux command line to pull windows image. As we know, container about Linux and windows are different. The problem is that you are not running the server as windows/amd, so system will return unknown blob
According to your description, you have deploy ACS on Azure with windows nodes. Kubernetes is a tool which use to manage containers, so we can use k8s to deploy IIS to windows nodes.
1.create iis.json
file, like this:
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"name": "iis",
"labels": {
"name": "iis"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"name": "iis",
"image": "nanoserver/iis",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 80
"nodeSelector": {
"": "windows"
2.use kubctl apply
command to create pods, like this:
kubectl apply -f iis.json
More information about how to use k8s to deploy a windows IIS container, please refer to this link.
What are the steps required to connect to the Windows Node??
By default, we should not to login those nodes, we should manage containers via kubernetes, so Azure create nodes without public IP addresses.
If you want to connect k8s node and deploy IIS container on it, we can deploy a point-to-site VPN between local PC and Azure vnet. But I wouldn't recommend it, because in this way, we just use k8s cluster work as a single VM, and container work will have no HA, if container down, k8s cluster will not create another one to keep the available.