I'm using following HTML structure in parent.html page (and have corresponding Controller for this parent HTML Page)
<md-tabs md-dynamic-height class="report-tabs" layout-align="center stretch" md-no-pagination="true">
<span class="tab-label">Tab 1</span>
<div ng-include="tab1-page-URL"></div>
<span class="tab-label">Tab 2</span>
<div ng-include="tab2-page-URL"></div>
Currently when I load this parent.html page, All contents of all tabs are getting loaded at beginning.
Don't we have lazy loading where contents of tab are loaded when it's active (when selected/clicked upon) ?
If we don't have such provision, How can I call function of child tab's controller, when particular tab is selected ? Currently all functions of all child tab's controllers are getting called - which is time consuming and not needed where user will see first tab only when page completes compiling and rendering ?
I've tried calling Child-tab controller functions on parent.html page, but unless all md-tab contents are not loaded, nothing from child-controller is accessible. Only accessible part in this page will be parent.html's own controller functions.
Let me know if any other way I can proceed, Or am I missing completely something here ? Thank you.
From the official doc, for using md-tab , there are no lazy loading contents.
If we don't have such provision, How can I call function of child tab's controller, when particular tab is selected ? Currently all functions of all child tab's controllers are getting called - which is time consuming and not needed where user will see first tab only when page completes compiling and rendering ?
My method is by using the button only tabs, then using dynamic ng-include, and setting the reladed view during selecting the tab, by md-on-select
something like:
<md-tab label="Tab #1" md-on-select="onTabSelected(1)"></md-tab>
<md-tab label="Tab #2" md-on-select="onTabSelected(2)"></md-tab>
<md-tab label="Tab #3" md-on-select="onTabSelected(3)"></md-tab>
<md-content class="md-padding">
<ng-include src="'templates/tabs/'+ tabId +'.html'"></ng-include>
controller :
$scope.tabId = 1; //default template loaded
$scope.onTabSelected = function(tabId) {
//you can add some loading before rendering
$scope.tabId = tabId;
templates directory: