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Android in-app Billing with multiple users on one device

I have an application which supports in-app billing. However a user can login to this app using multiple accounts or he can even register a new account.

Can I somehow use in-app billing, so that the purchases would be linked not to the google id, but exactly to the account which made the purchase.

For example:

  1. User downloads the app to his phone and does the actions described below only on this device.
  2. User logins using account.
  3. He purchases subscription1 and proceeds with the payment.
  4. He logs out.
  5. Now he logins using account.
  6. He can also purchase subscription1, as never purchased it. So he purchases subscription1 one more time.
  7. He logs out.
  8. Now both and accounts own this subscription.
  9. Profit.


  • In-app-billing works through google services and all purchases will be verified for a current user. Starting from Android 4.2 you can create multiple user profiles on one device and in-app-billing will work as you described.

    You may just log out/in but it takes time to synchronize some information and you may experience some glitches.