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Return http 204 "no content" to client in ASP.NET MVC2

In an MVC 2 app that I have I want to return a 204 No Content response to a post operation. Current my controller method has a void return type, but this sends back a response to the client as 200 OK with a Content-Length header set to 0. How can I make the response into a 204?

public void DoSomething(string param)
    // do some operation with param

    // now I wish to return a 204 no content response to the user 
    // instead of the 200 OK response


  • In MVC3 there is an HttpStatusCodeResult class. You could roll your own for an MVC2 application:

    public class HttpStatusCodeResult : ActionResult
        private readonly int code;
        public HttpStatusCodeResult(int code)
            this.code = code;
        public override void ExecuteResult(System.Web.Mvc.ControllerContext context)
            context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = code;

    You'd have to alter your controller method like so:

    public ActionResult DoSomething(string param)
        // do some operation with param
        // now I wish to return a 204 no content response to the user 
        // instead of the 200 OK response
        return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);