From this Simple authentication tutorial
I am looking to test routes of the app inside the :login_required
pipeline (which simply checks if the client has called Guardian.Plug.sign_in(conn, user)
As the user_path
action needs to have been piped through the :login_required
pipeline, I would have thought that to test this route I would simply need to write the following:
Auth.login_by_email_and_pass(conn,, @password)
and then pipe the conn
that comes out of that into:
get conn, user_path(conn, :show,
and check that I get a 200
status code.
But I can't get past the Auth.login_by_email_and_pass(conn, email, password)
line and get the error:
session not fetched, call fetch_session/2
Where should I fetch the session?
I have tried bypass_through(conn, [:browser, :with_session])
I would have thought that the :browser
pipeline invokes fetch_session
which would have solved this issue.
I have also tried as calling fetch_session
before and after, but still get the same error
You can use Plug.Test.init_test_session/2
to initialize the session. Since you don't need to put any data, you can pass an empty map as the second argument.
conn = conn
|> init_test_session(%{})
|> Auth.login_by_email_and_pass(, @password)