This will safely return null without throwing any exceptions
How can I do that for collections, where it won't throw an index out of bounds exception?
myarray[400] //how do I make it return null if myarray.size() < 400
Is there such an operator for Collections?
That's the default behavior with all collections except arrays in groovy.
assert [1,2,3,4][5] == null
def test = new ArrayList()
assert test[100] == null
assert [1:"one", 2:"two"][3] == null
If you've got an array, cast it to a list.
def realArray = new Object[4]
realArray[100] // throws exception
(realArray as List)[100] // null
You can string list and map indexes together with the ?
operator in the same way as with properties:
def myList = [[name: 'foo'], [name: 'bar']]
assert myList[0]?.name == 'foo'
assert myList[1]?.name == 'bar'
assert myList[2]?.name == null