I'm using rails with authlogic for sign in. I'm trying to write an integration test for signing out with rspec and webrat.
The problem I'm seeing is that webrat seems to get different behavior than I do when I click through. So, I can log in and then log out just fine when I'm clicking through my browser, but webrat seems unable to log out. I diagnose this because I only show the log out link if you're logged in, but it's still being found by webrat after clicking log out.
Here's my test code
describe "when not signed in" do
it "should have a sign in link" do
visit root_path
response.should have_tag("a[href=?]", login_path, "Log In")
describe "when signed in" do
before :each do
@user = Factory(:user)
visit login_path
fill_in :user_session_email, :with => @user.email
fill_in :user_session_password, :with => @user.password
it "should have a log out button" do
visit root_path
response.should have_tag("a[href=?]", logout_path, "Log Out")
# This is the test that's failing
it "we should be able to log out" do
visit root_path
click_link /log out/i
response.should render_template('merchant_pages/home')
#this next line is the one that fails
#I've played around with this, and the log out link is still there
response.should have_tag("a[href=?]", login_path, "Log In")
A few lines from my routes.rb
map.resources :users
map.resources :user_sessions
map.login '/login', :controller => 'user_sessions', :action => 'new'
map.logout '/logout', :controller => 'user_sessions', :action => 'destroy'
the links I'm looking for
<ul class="navigation round">
<li><%= link_to("Log In", login_path) unless current_user %></li>
<li><%= link_to("Log Out", logout_path) if current_user %></li>
from user_sessions_controller
def destroy
flash[:notice] = "Logout successful!"
redirect_to root_url
from application_controller
def current_user_session
return @current_user_session if defined?(@current_user_session)
@current_user_session = UserSession.find
def current_user
return @current_user if defined?(@current_user)
@current_user = current_user_session && current_user_session.record
Relevant gem versions
authlogic (2.1.6)
rails (2.3.8)
rake (0.8.7)
rspec (1.3.0)
rspec-core (2.0.1)
rspec-expectations (2.0.1)
rspec-mocks (2.0.1)
rspec-rails (1.3.2)
webrat (0.7.2)
So, in conclusion, when I log out manually, I go to the home page, and I have the log in link available to me with no log out link. When I go through webrat in the test above, I end up with no log in link, and the log out link is still there -- indicating that I'm still signed in.
This will happen if you are using the cookie session store, rather than the database session store. See config/initializers/session_store.rb.
Yesterday, I began porting a project under development from 2.3.5 to 2.3.8. Under 2.3.5, all specs and features were green. After changing the Rails version to 2.3.8, several Cucumber steps started failing. The steps were related to an inability to sign out (exactly what you describe here) and to the flash[:notice] being lost. This project was created by copying files from another project into a clean-slate Rails project. In the process, the session migrations were copied, but session_store.rb was not updated to actually use the database.
Once I uncommented "ActionController::Base.session_store = :active_record_store" in session_store.rb, the Cucumber steps started passing.