Is there any possibility to save the confusion matrix which is generated by sklearn.metrics
I would like to save multiple results of different classification algorithms in an array or maybe a pandas data frame so I can show which algorithm works best.
print('Neural net: \n',confusion_matrix(Y_test, Y_pred), sep=' ')
How could I save the generated confusion matrix within a loop? (I am training over a set of 200 different target variables)
array[i] = confusion_matrix(Y_test,Y_pred)
I run into some definition problems here [array is not defined whereas in the non [i] - version it runs smoothly]
Additionally, I am normalizing the confusion matrix. How could I print out the average result of the confusion matrix after the whole loop? (average of the 200 different confusion matrices)
I am not that fluent with python yet.
First getting to array not defined problem. In python list is declared as :
Since size of list is not given during declaration, no space is allocated. Hence we can't assign values the place which is not allocated.
array[i]=some value, but no space is allocated for array
So if you know the required size of array,fill zeroes during declaration and the use array this way or use array.append() method inside the loop.
Now for saving confusion matrix: Since confusion matrix returns 2-D array and you need to save multiple such arrays, use 3-D array for saving the value.
import numpy as np
for i in range(200):
For averaging